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Health District Compass Summer 2021
Now's the time to end delayed healthcare; smoothie bowls; driving habits in our community; Homeward Alliance empowers clients; 2020 Annual...
Illustration of bike and syringe with information on vaccinations
The Health District will offer free, bike-in COVID-19 vaccination at the Bike to Work (or Wherever) Breakfast Station it is co-hosting with...
Julie Abramoff, RN; James Stewart, DO; Cheri Nichols, RN
Do you have questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine? That’s okay. We understand. Health District vaccine providers are available...
Bicycle Friendly Business logo
The League of American Bicyclists today recognized the Health District of Northern Larimer County with a Gold Bicycle Friendly Business (...
Health District Spring 2021 Compass cover image
COVID-19 one year later; growing with container gardens; relaunched; SPLASH offers safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth;...
Johana Ulloa Girón
Johanna Ulloa Girón has been appointed to the Health District board of directors to fill a vacancy created when former member Faraz Naqvi...
Health District sign
The Health District of Northern Larimer County is accepting applications to fill a midterm vacancy on its board of director s . The Health...
Woman sitting alone in dark tunnel
Connections will host a free six-session, one-hour online education and support group for adults experiencing the symptoms of anxiety...
People who are currently uninsured have a limited-time opportunity to sign up for a Connect for Health Colorado marketplace health plan,...
cover of the book "the five people you meet in heaven"
Join us in powerful, joyful, and even humorous discussions about the end-of-life journey and how others have navigated this event. The Book...
