Practice the "3Ws" to keep our community safe

A Labor Day holiday weekend message from the undersigned members of the Health Care Working Group Committee of the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance, an alliance of the Chambers of Commerce of Fort Collins, Loveland, and Greeley.
A new deadly and rapidly spreading virus has turned our world upside down. In just five months, as of Sept. 1, the
Because this is a new virus, there is no vaccine and no known cure yet, although there are multiple promising research efforts underway. There is no group of people that do not get COVID, and no group of people that cannot get really sick from the virus. Most people recover from COVID, but all have some risk of severe consequences. Some people are at dramatically increased risk of severe consequences (sometimes long-lasting or permanent), and even death.
There are thousands of people in our community working to control the spread of COVID: health care workers; local and state public health responders providing guidance, testing, contact tracing, and supportive isolation; and businesses and schools following public health guidance and protocols.
But in the end, slowing the spread depends on every one of us. We each have the power to help control how far the virus spreads. It is incredibly important that every individual who is able take responsibility to do their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community. There is now considerable evidence supporting the 3 Ws. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Watch your distance. Wear a cloth or surgical mask while out in public, especially indoors. [Wearing a mask while exercising outdoors (away from others) is not recommended by the WHO, but DO wear a mask outdoors if you are with others outside your household]. Watch your distance from those around you, avoid contact, and ensure that you keep at least six feet of distance between you. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
These 3 Ws, if done by everyone, would significantly slow the spread of COVID-19, making our community a safer place to work, shop, and attend school. It’s important that we ALL do our part so that our community has its best chance of keeping our businesses open and our economy working. We are not out of the woods yet – the virus is still circulating. Please join us in protecting our community’s health and economy!
Kevin Unger
UCHealth –
Margo Karsten
Banner Health
Yvonne Myers
Columbine Health Systems
Senator Joann Ginal
Mindy McCloughan
Carol Plock
Health District of Northern
Mark Wallace
North Colorado Health
John Kefalas
Michael Allen
SummitStone Health Partners
Steve Tool
Former Director, Health Care Policy & Financing and former Colorado state legislator
Jan Gillespie
Jennifer Cooney
City of
Karen Klawin
Women’s Clinic of Northern Colorado
Jennifer Fairman
Bob Smith
Colorado Business Group on Health
Joaquin ‘Keen’ Garbiso
City of
Kyle Lynch
Family Physician’s Group of Greeley