Health District declares emergency

Health District of Northern Larimer County executive director Carol Plock today signed a declaration of local disaster emergency for the Health District in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Health District board of directors will vote to ratify the declaration at its next regular meeting 5 p.m., March 24.
“We feel that it’s more important than ever to ensure continuity of essential services as the community confronts the COVID-19 pandemic. This helps ensure we have the resources and flexibility to do that, “ said Plock.
Currently the Health District’s Family Dental Clinic remains open with reduced hours and staffing to serve patients with dental emergencies, and behavioral health staff placed at the Salud Family Health Center and UCHealth Family Medicine Center primary care clinics are following those clinics’ leads in serving their patients. The rest of the agency’s direct services are gearing up to serve people remotely via phone and telemedicine starting next week. This includes mental health and substance use services from Connections, and health insurance enrollment assistance from Larimer Health Connect, both of which are expected to experience high demand as the pandemic and its social and economic impacts linger.