Family Dental Clinic returns to normal operation

The Health District Family Dental Clinic is open regular hours, 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday, for both routine and emergency care.
The clinic had closed temporarily Aug. 10 after a second employee tested positive for COVID-19 with a two-week period. During that time, the clinic underwent thorough cleaning and disinfection.
The employee has self-quarantined, as have employees who were in close personal contact. All patients who may have had close contact with the employee have been contacted and advised to quarantine.
The dental clinic leadership continues to do extensive and ongoing research on latest evidence and expert recommendations. It maintains strict infection prevention protocols and ensures that all dental clinic staff have been trained in COVID-19 infection control procedures and are provided with personal protective equipment, including face shields, gowns, and N-95 masks.
Like all Health District employees, dental clinic staff are regularly encouraged to follow Safer at Home guidelines to help minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the community, including avoiding large crowds, practicing physical distancing, washing hands regularly, and wearing masks in public places.
To make an appointment at the Family Dental Clinic, call 970-416-5331.